Maximizing Image and Video Reach Organically

Let’s dive into how images tag’s can help grab more attention and increase engagement of an audience and how we can maximize it’s organic reach.

The organic reach of a post on your website and social media page is not always about the great copy in the post that grabs someones attention and is not the sole trigger for an algorithm.

Dramatic images like of this powder coated exhaust tip for a Nissan Titan Truck helps people recognize great craftsmanship, clean installations, and the final result of completed work. 

Professional Photography Trucks
Follow Next Level as Orlando’s Best Custom Vehicle Shop
This angle is taken from Chase Gregory with a 10mm Tamron Co., Ltd. lens and a Nikon D300 body.

No PR campaign or redesigned website is needed to showcase great work when you can publish on so many free platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Google. I know your website may be free to upload new content to, but for most, there is a cost to host a well functioning blog. So for this article, I will relate to social media platforms and tags.

Organically, this image had the best reach this month for a client and has been picked up by a large manufacture’s account, raising the organic reach farther than expected for the shop that did the work. 

How can we extend the organic reach of a photo post

We make sure that if another company is involved, or influencer is in the photo/video, that they are notified of the published content in different ways. We also add a handful of useful hashtags that help our image reach.

1 way is to tag everyone involved on each platform. (Instagram Tags DO NOT ALWAYS Transfer over to Facebook and Twitter and may not work properly or at all. The tag may take them to another page and now you have missed a great opportunity to connect a customer to a brand you carry.

(DO NOT USE the “also share on Facebook” feature from the Instagram App))

For example; on Facebook your link may look like this
But on Instagram may look like this

The difference here, makes it difficult to relay a straight forward message of how to follow us. Otherwise we need two lines of copy on flyers which takes up more space and can crowd an area on the marketing material.
Example: FollowUs on Facebook @mycompanyprofile
Example: FollowUs on Instagram @my_company
Example: FollowUS on Twitter @mybest_company

When we start to work with a company, seeing how much of the brand is the same across different platforms matters. If there is different spellings between accounts, we do our very best to change them so our brand messaging is straight forward. It makes it very difficult for people to tag you in their posts when your profile names are spelled differently.
The best thing to do is to make the names identical.
Facebook only lets you change the profile name once, so make sure it’s right or change the IG name to match the FB name.

Instagram and Facebook Tags

If you are having a hard time getting the company page to come up to Tag them, you may need to Like their page as you and/or as the company you are posting for. Instagram doesn’t require you to Follow a page in order to tag it, making this platform easier to connect brands and influencers to your account and posts.

For this to work well on Facebook, go to the company page you want to Tag from a Desktop/laptop computer on Facebook .com.
– Visit the company’s page you want to like as Your company.
– Look for the 3dots drop-down menu next to the Like button.
– Select that 3dot button, then look for “Like as Your Page”.
– After selecting this, you will get another drop-down of all the pages you manage under the personal account you are logged in as.
– Select the page you want to follow this new page as.

See the screenshots below to Like a business page as another business page. This will help the Tag come up on your post, photo or video’s.

With this Like as Your Page feature, your company page now has more chances to show up to people who like that page, they may now see Your Company page as a Suggested Page to Like, and may be featured in a “Liked by this Page” section.

Another way to notify people and brands involved in content is to directly send the content to them in an email or direct message with an easy to Copy/Paste post with a short description, link, hashtags and photo/video they can now share and repost without needing a Repost App.
This is related to Public Relation’s efforts we do here at NSG for clients. Giving editorial content to publishers with very little work that they need to do to post in print or online, is the best way to increase your chances of getting your news and content out to a buying audience.

If you are not sure if a Tag is correct for a company involved in the content, use a different devise to search the right spelling and profile photo. You can save the post as a draft, leave the post in the draft folder, go search for the right company spelling to tag, then go back into drafts and finish your awesome post.

Tagging Companies and Profiles on Instagram Photos
Tagging the Truck Owner, 2 Manufactures, and the Shop’s Local District’s Account.

An organic post reach in increased by the more a post has to do inside it. Tagging someone or a company in the post text is crucial, but tagging in the photo is also very important.
On an Instagram Profile for a business account, there is on the right hand side, just above the last 3 photos, is a folder for Tagged posts. This only includes photo’s and video’s that have been tagged on. Not the Text of the post.

Your hashtags will also show up in a specific folder of posts that people can follow and engage with. A cool attention grabbing app is PhotoGrid that breaks down your photo into 3, 6, or 9 images so it takes up more of the page. See and example of this hashtag with #customcar on Instagram posts.
This shows up really well on the company’s Tagged photo’s.

photo grid for instagram
Splitting one image into nine images for Instagram.

Each one of these 9photos in the grid all have the same text content including the same tagged accounts involved and hashtags. This is how it comes out on a hashtag page that you can also follow.

Since tagging a company in the actual photo, your post now appears on your page, the hashtag pages, and those account pages you tagged as well.

How many different brands can you find in this image that we can tag to notify them of the published photo/post?


Interested in taking your marketing to the next level? Call us direct or email [email protected]

#nsgconsultinginc #marketing #businessmarketing #photographer #nikond300 #tamron10mm #nextlevel #customtrucks #organicreach